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- 5 print"[147]"
- 10 print"note: this program is designed to be"
- 20 print" used as a subroutine for fast"
- 30 print" character set transfer in your"
- 40 print" own programs. see the march"
- 50 print" gazette article for proper use."
- 60 print" to reload menu, press run-stop/ restore,";
- 70 print" then type load"chr$(34)"menu"chr$(34)",8"
- 90 poke56,14*4:clr:poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)or14
- 100 ad=828:rem starting address
- 110 fori=adtoad+81:reada:x=x+a:pokei,a:nexti
- 120 ifx<>9923thenprint"error in data statements.":stop
- 130 sysad
- 140 data 173,14,220,41,254,141,14
- 150 data 220,173,24,208,41,14,10
- 160 data 10,133,167,169
- 170 data 208:rem change to 216 to move lower case
- 180 data 133,252,173,0,221,41,3,73,3
- 190 data 10,10,10,10,10,10,5
- 200 data 167,133,254,165,1,41,251
- 210 data 133,1,169,0,133,251,133
- 220 data 253,168,162,8,177,251,145
- 230 data 253,200,208,249,230,252,230
- 240 data 254,202,208,242,165,1,9
- 250 data 4,133,1,173,14,220,9
- 260 data 1,141,14,220,96
- 1000 fori=14336to14343:reada:pokei,a:next
- 1010 data 60,66,165,129,165,153,66,60